Risotto! Risotto! (Hardcover)
作者: Valentina Harris 
書城編號: 1353647

原價: HK$300.00
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出版日期: 2017/04/11
尺寸: 255x195x19mm
重量: 0.82 kg
ISBN: 9781472933201
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A fully revised and updated edition of Valentina Harris' seminal work on one of Italy's most iconic dishes.

Prized for its texture, flavor and versatility, risotto has been part of the Italian diet since the eighth century and is one of its most famous dishes. This revised and updated edition of Valentina Harris' seminal work shows you how to prepare, cook and serve this iconic Italian dish using any ingredient from the humble tomato to the much sought-after truffle.

With a fully updated introduction and some brand new recipes, as well as background information on the history of this famous dish, Valentina provides essential information on the variety of rice that can be used for risotto and how to make the all-important stock. Recipes are supplemented by beautiful photography of the dishes by Ian Garlick and a step-by-step guide to the perfect risotto.

This is the perfect book for any risotto lover.

Valentina Harris 作者作品表

Italian Regional Cookbook (Hardcover)

Risotto! Risotto! (Hardcover)

Classic Recipes of Rome (Hardcover)

Classic Recipes of Tuscany (Hardcover)

500 Pasta Dishes (Hardcover)

Fiori Di Zucca (Hardcover)

Regional Cooking of Italy (Paperback)

Food and Cooking of Milan and Bologna (Hardcover)

Food and Cooking of Venice and North-Eastern Italy (Hardcover)

Food and Cooking of Tuscany (Hardcover)

eBook: Fiori di Zucca (DRM EPUB)

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