Day Trading 101 (Hardcover)
作者: David Borman 
書城編號: 1361461

原價: HK$170.00
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出版社: Adams Media Corporation
出版日期: 2018/01/09
尺寸: 198x128x21mm
重量: 0.32 kg
ISBN: 9781507205815
>> 相關電子書

A comprehensive guide to day trading, with prescriptive information and actionable advice to help you achieve financial success.

It may seem that day trading is only for savvy investors who know the ins and outs of the marketplace--but it doesn't have to be. All it takes is the right information and staying on top of the market.

Day Trading 101 simplifies all the terms, strategies, and processes involved in day trading, helping even the most novice investor find financial success. With information on recognizing trading patters, mastering trading options, keeping tabs on the market, establishing strategies to make the most profit, and understanding trading lingo, this guide can get you on track to becoming a smart investor. Full of expert advice on the best paths to trading success, Day Trading 101 leaves no stone unturned, and no trading option undiscovered.

David Borman 作者作品表

Day Trading 101: From Understanding Risk Management and Creating Trade Plans to Recognizing Market Patterns and Using Automated Softwar (Compact Disc)

eBook: Statistics 101: From Data Analysis and Predictive Modeling to Measuring Distribution and Determining Probability, Your Essential Guide to Stati

Statistics 101 (Hardcover)

Day Trading 101 (Hardcover)

eBook: Day Trading 101: From Understanding Risk Management and Creating Trade Plans to Recognizing Market Patterns and Using Automated Software, an Es

eBook: Forex DeMYSTiFieD: A Self-Teaching Guide (DRM PDF)

eBook: Forex DeMYSTiFieD: A Self-Teaching Guide (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Everything Guide to Commodity Trading: All the tools, training, and techniques you need to succeed in commodity trading (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Everything Guide to Currency Trading: All the tools, training, and techniques you need to succeed in trading currency (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Everything Guide to Day Trading: All the tools, training, and techniques you need to succeed in day trading (DRM EPUB)

Everything Guide to Day Trading (Paperback)

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