Grumpy Cat & Garfield (Hardcover)
作者: Mark Evanier 
分類: Cartoons & comic strips (Children's / Teenage)  
書城編號: 1363973

原價: HK$168.00
現售: HK$159.6 節省: HK$8.4

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出版社: Arte Al Dian Intl Amer Art Cor
出版日期: 2017/12/26
尺寸: 241x165x13mm
重量: 0.32 kg
ISBN: 9781524104962

It's the inevitable meeting of the sourpusses! Garfield, the reigning cynical cat of newspapers and TV crosses paths with Grumpy Cat, the internet sensation whose scowl endeared herself to the world. Who's the most sarcastic? Well, he likes lasagna and not much else...and she doesn't even like lasagna. Can these two inhabit the same comic book mini-series, let alone the same planet? You'll find out in a trio of issues written by Mark Evanier and illustrated by Steve Uy. We'd say it's the cat's meow but neither of these cats meows.
Mark Evanier 作者作品表

Garfield: Full Course 3 (Paperback)

Garfield: Full Course (Paperback)

Jack Kirby's Dingbat Love (Hardcover)

Grumpy Cat & Garfield (Hardcover)

Kirby (Paperback)

Garfield (Paperback)

Art of the Simon and Kirby Studio (Hardcover)

Rocky & Bullwinkle (Paperback)

Star Wars (Paperback)

Spirit (Paperback)

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