Jerry Yarnell's Landscape Painting Secrets (Paperback)
作者: Jerry Yarnell 
書城編號: 1365966

原價: HK$250.00
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出版社: Baker & Taylor
出版日期: 2008/06/26
尺寸: 211x276x10mm
重量: 0.57 kg
ISBN: 9781581809510
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Let Jerry teach you how to Master Landscapes

You can master landscape painting with the help of popular painter Jerry Yarnell. In Landscape Painting Secrets, Jerry explores the different areas of landscape painting that often create problems for beginning and intermediate artists. All of the major landscape elements are covered--from rocks, dirt roads and grass to still and moving water to atmospheric conditions like rainbows, falling snow, storm clouds and lightning.

Dozens of thumbnail studies break each element down step by step with clear instructions and photographs so no stroke is uncertain. These individual studies let you practice and explore new techniques without the worry of ruining a complete painting. Once you've mastered the techniques, Jerry will help you apply what you've learned in three complete landscape scenes that include detailed instructions and photographs. Grab your paints and brushes and get started today

Jerry Yarnell 作者作品表

eBook: Seeing God's Glory: Seeking to Walk in God's Glory (DRM EPUB)

Seeing God's Glory: Seeking to Walk in God's Glory (Paperback)

eBook: PJ's Adventures in Faith (DRM EPUB)

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Country Scenes in Acrylic (Paperback)

Wildlife Scenes in Acrylic (Paperback)

eBook: Wildlife Scenes in Acrylic (DRM EPUB)

Paint Along with Jerry Yarnell, 3-Volume Set (paperback)

Jerry Yarnell's Landscape Painting Secrets (Paperback)

eBook: Jerry Yarnell's Landscape Painting Secrets (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Paint Along with Jerry Yarnell Volume Seven - Painting Perspective (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Paint Along with Jerry Yarnell Volume Six - Learning Composition (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Paint Along with Jerry Yarnell Volume Five - Painting Adventures (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Paint Along with Jerry Yarnell Volume Three - Painting Magic (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Paint Along with Jerry Yarnell Volume One - Painting Basics (DRM EPUB)

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