Tai Chi In 10 Weeks (Paperback)
作者: Aihan Kuhn 
分類: Oriental martial arts  
書城編號: 1366385

原價: HK$210.00
現售: HK$199.5 節省: HK$10.5

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出版日期: 2017/05/01
尺寸: 238x187x10mm
重量: 0.54 kg
ISBN: 9781594395055


Especially designed for learning Tai Chi at home

Tai Chi in 10 Weeks is designed to guide beginning students through the fundamentals of tai chi in only ten weeks. Dr. Aihan Kuhn teaches you an easy to learn twenty-four-step Yang-style tai chi form.

Tai chi is best known as a gentle full body exercise that has been proven effective for reducing stress, calming your mind, and boosting your immune system. No wonder, millions of people around the world practice tai chi for health and wellness.

Dr. Aihan Kuhn is a master instructor of tai chi and qigong. In this book she shares the lessons she's learned in a lifetime of studying and teaching. She is warm and encouraging, making readers of all ages and backgrounds feel welcome.

This book features:

  • A ten-week calendar to guide you through your introduction to tai chi
  • Over 200 beautiful full-color photos
  • Warm, welcoming instruction from a master of tai chi and qigong

With this book you will:

  • Learn the twenty-four-step Yang-style form
  • Understand the fundamentals of tai chi
  • Discover not just the physical postures of tai chi, but also its psychological, emotional, and spiritual benefits

"Tai chi is a life journey," Dr. Kuhn writes. "Part of my success is from my patients and students that understand that prevention requires participation. They practice tai chi and qigong on a regular basis, which is key to their health and healing. Can you really learn tai chi in 10 weeks? Yes, you can learn the fundamentals of tai chi. You can build the foundation for this life-changing journey. Tai Chi in 10 Weeks is your road map."

Aihan Kuhn 作者作品表

Brain Fitness (Paperback)

eBook: Brain Fitness (DRM PDF)

eBook: Brain Fitness (DRM EPUB)

Tai Chi for Depression (Paperback)

eBook: Tai Chi for Depression (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Tai Chi for Depression (DRM PDF)

eBook: Tai Chi In 10 Weeks (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Tai Chi In 10 Weeks (DRM PDF)

Tai Chi In 10 Weeks (Paperback)

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