Finger and the Moon (Paperback)
作者: Alejandro Jodorowsky 
分類: Zen Buddhism ,
Mind, Body, Spirit: thought & practice  
書城編號: 1368721

原價: HK$170.00
現售: HK$161.5 節省: HK$8.5

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出版社: Inner Traditions C/O S&S
出版日期: 2016/10/10
尺寸: 215x147x11mm
重量: 0.2 kg
ISBN: 9781620555354
>> 相關電子書

Jodo's interpretations of the stories and koans of Zen master Ejo Takata

- Offers more than 60 Zen teaching tales, initiatory stories, koans, and haikus for self-realization and spiritual awakening

- Each story or koan is accompanied by the author's lucid and penetrating commentary, blending the same burlesque slapstick and sublime insight that characterize his films

- Explains how one must see beyond the words of the story to grasp the spiritual insights they contain

Before he became the film maker and graphic novel author known throughout the world today, Alejandro Jodorowsky studied with Zen master Ejo Takata in Mexico City. In The Finger and the Moon, Jodorowsky recounts how he became Takata's student and offers his interpretations of the teaching tales, initiatory stories, koans, and enigmatic haikus he learned at the feet of his great and humble teacher. Blending the same burlesque slapstick and sublime insight that characterize his films such as El Topo and The Holy Mountain, each story is accompanied by the author's lucid and penetrating commentary, as well as insights from ancient Zen teachers. Yet their most significant gift to the reader is the sudden shock of realization they impart that can lead to spiritual awakening.

Jodorowsky notes that most people are incapable of self-realization because of their fear of the void within, an emptiness they seek to fill with noise and chatter. He shows that Zen teachings can be compared to a finger pointing at the moon, directing you to awaken to your true nature--the Buddha within. The danger lies in mistaking the pointing finger for the moon, mistaking the words for the essential enlightenment, which can only be grasped once words have been surpassed. Unlike most tales, these stories are intended to evoke silent illumination--as true awakening and self-realization cannot occur until the mind has been stilled.

Alejandro Jodorowsky 作者作品表

Total Incal (Paperback)

Total Incal Boxed Set (Hardcover)

The Eyes of the Cat (Hardcover)

eBook: Way of Imagination: From Psychomagic to Psychotrance (DRM EPUB)

The Complete Metabarons: Second Cycle (Paperback)

Angel Claws (Paperback)

The Incal: The Deluxe Edition (Paperback)

eBook: Psicomagia (DRM EPUB)

Sons of El Topo Vol. 2: Abel (Hardcover)

Moon Face (Hardcover)

Deconstructing The Metabarons (Hardcover)

Angel Claws (Hardcover)

Sons of El Topo Vol. 1: Cain (Hardcover)

Metabaron Book 3: Oversized Deluxe (Hardcover)

Son Of Black Thursday (Hardcover)

Metabaron Book 1 (Paperback)

Metabarons Vol 4: Aghora And The Last Metabaron (Paperback)

Panic Fables (Paperback)

Showman Killer (Hardcover)

Finger and the Moon (Paperback)

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