Complete Paleo Slow Cooker (Paperback)
作者: Karen Frazier 
書城編號: 1368891

原價: HK$170.00
現售: HK$161.5 節省: HK$8.5

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出版社: Exisle Publishing
出版日期: 2016/07/19
尺寸: 235x191x17mm
重量: 0.59 kg
ISBN: 9781623157593


Taste all of the benefits of Paleo in half the time with The Complete Paleo Slow Cooker cookbook.

Favored by home chefs for years, the slow cooker remains a kitchen staple in many homes today―with good reason! Flexible timing, easy clean-up, and bulk-cooking capabilities offer practical solutions to everyday culinary conundrums. Combine these benefits with the healthy principles of a Paleo diet and tasty recipes designed by a top cookbook author, and you have The Complete Paleo Slow Cooker. The Paleo slow cooker recipes in this book offer fresh, creative Paleo slow cooker meals that retain the tenderness and richness of your ingredients―all while yielding leftovers for days to come!

The Complete Paleo Slow Cooker contains:

  • Over 150 Recipes serving Paleo-friendly meals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner
  • Quick Prep requiring less than 20 minutes of active prep time
  • Easy-to-Find Ingredients using pantry and grocery store staples
  • An Overview explaining the benefits of cooking for your Paleo diet with a slow cooker

Recipes in The Complete Paleo Slow Cooker include: Butternut Squash Porridge, Roasted Garlic Cauliflower Mash, Artichoke and Swiss Chard Ragout, Duck with Fig Sauce, Ginger-Poached Cod, Pulled Pork, Lamb Osso Bucco, Hungarian Goulash, Blueberry-Coconut Cake, and much more!

Find fast fixes to everyday Paleo meals with The Complete Paleo Slow Cooker cookbook.

Karen Frazier 作者作品表

Angel Numbers for Beginners: An Introduction to Decoding Messages & Journal for Tracking Sequences (Paperback)

Cristales Para La Sanación (Paperback)

eBook: Tecnicas de sanacion energetica. Guia practica (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Ultimate Guide to Psychic Abilities: A Practical Guide to Developing Your Intuition (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Cristales. Guia Practica (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Crystal Alchemist (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Crystal Alchemist (DRM PDF)

Crystals For Beginners The Guide To Get (paperback)

Complete Paleo Slow Cooker (Paperback)

Crystals for Healing (Paperback)

Nutrition Facts (Paperback)

Avalanche of Spirits (Paperback)



eBook: Pioneer Spirits: Investigating the Haunted Lewis County Historical Museum (DRM EPUB)

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