Super Simple Stick Weaving (Paperback)
作者: Ashley Little 
書城編號: 1370475

原價: HK$100.00
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出版日期: 2015/04/14
尺寸: 271x79x3mm
重量: 0.09 kg
ISBN: 9781631861598


Stick Weaving - wildly popular and so much fun. It's amazing what you can create with a few sticks, some yarn (even leftovers ), and Super Simple Stylish Stick Weaving - a delightful Threads Select Booklet written by Ashley Little. Whether you're brand new to stick weaving or you've done it before, this project-packed booklet is your go-to guide for enjoying this popular craft. Everything you need is here: stylish projects, materials lists, simple instructions, and easy-to-follow diagrams.

A dozen hot new looks you can make right away. Even if you can't sew or knit or crochet, you can do this. Stick weaving doesn't require any special skills, yet it's your ticket to creating fabulous accessories, home d cor, and woven works of art. The dozen projects featured here will capture your fancy and spark your imagination. Just a few of the choices in a wide range of projects, styled for today:

  • Glitter Ribbon Skinny Scarf
  • School Spirit Tomboy Bracelet
  • Glamour Girl Jewelry Organizer
  • Urban Forest Camo Smartphone Case
  • Modern Pixie Chunky Headband
  • Fab and Furry Sunglasses Case
  • Festival Girl T-Shirt Yarn Necklace
  • And more

This is a craft for anyone with imagination. Super Simple Stick Weaving opens up a whole new world of creative options for little kids, tweens, teens, and crafters of all ages. So much is possible with only minimum equipment and little or no experience. These projects can also be the inspiration for more advanced weaving projects using branches, beads, and other found items. Once you start, there's no end to what you can weave.

Our 32-page Threads Selects eBooklets are a terrific value. Each eBooklet features on-trend projects that require only a minimum investment of time and money. Threads Selects eBooklets are available for sewing, knitting, crocheting, jewelry-making, cake decorating, and so much more - all from the experts at Threads and The Taunton Press. Best of all, they're available at an irresistible price

Ashley Little 作者作品表

eBook: Confessions of a Teenage Leper (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Niagara Motel (DRM EPUB)

Super Simple Stick Weaving (Paperback)

Chunky Knits (Paperback)

eBook: Anatomy of a Girl Gang (DRM PDF)

eBook: Anatomy of a Girl Gang (DRM EPUB)

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