Crow (Paperback)
作者: Boria Sax 
分類: Animals & society ,
Natural history  
書城編號: 1373620

原價: HK$168.00
現售: HK$159.6 節省: HK$8.4

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出版日期: 2017/12/15
尺寸: 199x134x14mm
重量: 0.18 kg
ISBN: 9781780238425

Though not generally perceived as graceful, crows are remarkably so--a single curve undulates from the tip of the bird's beak to the end of its tail. They take flight almost without effort, flapping their wings easily and ascending into the air like spirits. Crow by Boria Sax is a celebration of the crow and its relatives in myth, literature, and life.

Sax takes readers into the history of crows, detailing how in a range of cultures, from the Chinese to the Hopi Indians, crows are bearers of prophecy. For example, thanks in part to the birds' courtship rituals, Greeks invoked crows as symbols of conjugal love. From the raven sent out by Noah to the corvid deities of the Eskimo, from Taoist legends to Victorian novels and contemporary films, Sax's book ranges across history and culture and will interest anyone who has ever been intrigued, puzzled, annoyed, or charmed by these wonderfully intelligent birds.

Boria Sax 作者作品表

Enchanted Forests: The Poetic Construction of a World Before Time (Hardcover)

Dinomania (Hardcover)

Crow (Paperback)

Lizard (Paperback)

Imaginary Animals (Hardcover)

eBook: Sound and the Fury (MAXNotes Literature Guides) (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Death in Venice (MAXNotes Literature Guides) (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (MAXNotes Literature Guides) (DRM EPUB)

City of Ravens (Hardcover)

City of Ravens (Hardcover)

Crow (Paperback)

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