Smile (Paperback)
作者: Mary Hoffman 
分類: Historical fiction (Children's / Teenage) ,
Interest age: from c 13 years ,
For reluctant readers (children)  
書城編號: 1374412

原價: HK$110.00
現售: HK$104.5 節省: HK$5.5

購買此書 10本或以上 9折, 60本或以上 8折

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出版日期: 2018/01/15
尺寸: 198x130x8mm
重量: 89 grams
ISBN: 9781781127179


A gorgeous historical novel following the fictional life of the young woman who would become Leonardo Da Vinci's greatest work. Evocative and rich with historical detail, Smile is the perfect novel for anyone fascinated by the story of Mona Lisa.

A gorgeous historical novel following the fictional life of the young woman who would become Leonardo Da Vinci's greatest work. Renaissance Italy is a world of riches open to any man who dares to conquer it. In the life of young Lisa the doors to this world remain closed. Promised in her youth to a widower as a loving wife and mother, she is resigned to an unremarkable existence clinging only to the memory of being "Lovely Lisa" to the now great Leonardo Da Vinci. But when their paths cross again her portrait will become his masterpiece and her smile will capture the imagination of the world. Particularly suitable for struggling, reluctant or dyslexic readers aged 13+

Mary Hoffman 作者作品表

A First Book of Fairy Tales (Hardcover)

A First Book of Myths (Hardcover)

eBook: First Book of Fairy Tales (DRM EPUB)

eBook: First Book of Myths: Uncover Tales of Gods and Monsters (DRM EPUB)

A First Book of Myths: Uncover Tales of Gods and Monsters (Hardcover)

Babies, Babies Everywhere! (Paperback)

The Great Big Brain Book (Paperback)

The Great Big Brain Book (Hardcover)

Pirate Baby (Paperback)

The Great Big Book of Life (Hardcover)

Great Big Green Book (Hardcover)

Great Big Book of Friends (Hardcover)

Smile (Paperback)

Great Big Body Book (Paperback)

Pirate Baby (Hardcover)

Ravenmaster's Boy (Paperback)

Walking on Water (Hardcover)

Lost and Found (Hardcover)

Tilt (Paperback)

Great Big Body Book (Hardcover)

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