Last Years of Steam Around the East Midlands (Hardcover)
作者: Michael Clemens 
分類: Trains & railways: general interest ,
20th century ,
書城編號: 1374810

原價: HK$280.00
現售: HK$266 節省: HK$14

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出版社: Fonthill Media Ltd
出版日期: 2017/12/14
尺寸: 179x252x16mm
重量: 0.72 kg
ISBN: 9781781554289

The Last Years of Steam Around the East Midlands covers most of the railways across the county and the locomotives that worked over them. In the main, the time period covers the ten years or so from the late 1950s up to the end of steam working in the East Midlands.

In addition to steam locomotives, their diesel replacements will also be shown. A number of industrial locations will also be visited, and in particular, the book explores the now-closed Ironstone Railways of the East Midlands.

The photographs, a mixture of color and black and white, come mostly from those taken by the author and his late father, with the balance coming from his father's old friends. Most of the photographs have never been published, with all images accompanied by an extensive and informative commentary.

Michael Clemens 作者作品表

The Railways of Northern England in the 1960s (Paperback)

Steam Trails: Cotswolds and South Midlands (Paperback)


The Last Years of Steam Around North Wales: From the Photographic Archive of Ellis James-Robertson (Paperback)

Steam Trails: Scottish Lowlands and Borders (Paperback)

The Railways of Devon and Cornwall Around the Early 1960s (Paperback)

Last Years of Steam Across Somerset And Dorset (Hardcover)

Last Years of Steam Around the East Midlands (Hardcover)

Last Years of Steam Around Central Wales (Hardcover)

The Railways of Devon and Cornwall Around the Early 1960s (Hardcover)

Last Years of Steam in Shropshire and the Severn Valley (Hardcover)

Last Years of Steam Around the Midlands (Hardcover)

Steam Trails (Hardcover)

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