Bald Eagles in the Wild: A Visual Essay of America's National Bird (Paperback)
作者: Jeffrey Rich 
書城編號: 13774114

原價: HK$250.00
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出版社: Amherst Media
出版日期: 2018/05/01
重量: 0.36 kg
ISBN: 9781682033289
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The majestic Bald Eagle was adopted in 1782 as America's official bird. It has historically been a symbol of freedom and patriotism in the United States of America, and for good reason. The bird is associated with authority and has a fierce beauty that speaks to those who look upon it. Today, the Bald Eagle is a protected species. Once on the brink of extinction, it is currently enjoying a comeback. In this book, wildlife and bird photography specialist Jeffrey Rich showcases over 150 of his storytelling photographs of Bald Eagles and shares insights into the birds' habitat, feeding habits, mating patterns, the care of their young, and more. Readers will marvel over images of birds in flight, in nests with their young, at rest, preening, and capturing prey, as Rich chronicles the daily lives, in detail, of America's favorite bird.
Jeffrey Rich 作者作品表

Complete Guide To Bird Photography (Paperback)

eBook: Complete Guide to Bird Photography: Field Techniques for Birders and Nature Photographers (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Bald Eagles In The Wild: A Visual Essay of America's National Bird (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Complete Guide to Bird Photography: Field Techniques for Birders and Nature Photographers (DRM PDF)

eBook: Complete Guide to Bird Photography: Field Techniques for Birders and Nature Photographers (DRM PDF)

Complete Guide to Bird Photography (Paperback)

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