iPhone Photography for Everybody: Black & White Landscape Techniques (Paperback)
作者: Gary Wagner 
書城編號: 13774122

原價: HK$300.00
現售: HK$285 節省: HK$15

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出版社: Amherst Media
出版日期: 2020/05/15
重量: 0.39 kg
ISBN: 9781682034286

The iPhone and its camera is an amazing device for taking photos of the landscape. In addition to being able to take exceptional quality images, this camera also has a built-in computer and access to impressive software for converting its images to black and white. This book will show examples and discuss how to select the best scenes for black and white landscape photos, what software applications were used to convert those images to black and white, and give suggestions and tips on how to process the images for the best look. Gary has been taking photos with iPhone camera for the past eight years and has won many awards for his black and white photography. Join Gary as he takes you to his favorite locations and shares his ideas and visions on taking photos of the landscape in black and white processing those image to make the best-possible photos.
Gary Wagner 作者作品表

eBook: iPhone Photography for Everybody: Black & White Landscape Techniques (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Digital Black & White Landscape Photography: Fine Art Techniques from Camera to Print (DRM PDF)

eBook: Digital Black & White Landscape Photography: Fine Art Techniques from Camera to Print (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Digital Black & White Landscape Photography: Fine Art Techniques from Camera to Print (DRM PDF)

eBook: Digital Black & White Landscape Photography: Fine Art Techniques from Camera to Print (DRM PDF)

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