Pagan Origins of the Christ Myth (Paperback)
作者: John G. Jackson 
書城編號: 13796676

原價: HK$60.00
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出版日期: 2019/03/11
重量: 0.08 kg
ISBN: 9781684117154


In Pagan Origins of the Christ Myth, John G. Jackson sources the pagan origins of Christian doctrine with particular focus on the creation and atonement myths. Rooted in historical facts, Jackson's claims are steeped in research and demonstrate how Christianity synthesizes the rituals, beliefs, and characteristics of savior gods from ancient Egyptian, Greek, Aztec, and Hindu origins. This concise introduction remains an insightful contribution to comparative religion studies.

John G. Jackson 作者作品表

eBook: Pagan Origins of the Christ Myth (DRM EPUB)

Was Jesus Christ a Negro? and The African Origin of the Myths & Legends of the Garden of Eden The Roman Cookery Book Hardcover (Hardcover)

Christianity Before Christ Hardcover (Hardcover)

Introduction to African Civilizations (Hardcover)

Pagan Orgins Of The Christ Myth Hardcover (Hardcover)

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