* grade-A 優等的
You really are a grade-A space cadet. 妳真的有夠健忘耶。
* old flame 舊情人
Hmm, is this old friend an old flame as well? 嗯,這個老朋友也是你的舊情人嗎?
* doll up 盛裝打扮
What are you all dolled up for? 妳打扮得這麼漂亮幹嘛?
* get smart with 對……沒大沒小
Don't you get smart with me. 不要對我沒大沒小。
* tighten one?s belt 勒緊褲帶;省吃儉用
The rent is a bit steep, but we can afford it if we tighten our belts.
* a barrel of laughs 搞笑的;有趣的
Oh, Brian, you're a barrel of laughs. 喔,布萊恩,你很搞笑耶。
* splitsville 分手;分居;離婚
We’re in splitsville. 我們分手了。
* offer/extend an olive branch 主動表達和解的意願
Hi, I called because I want to offer an olive branch. 喂,我打來是因為我想跟妳和好。
* dreamboat 夢中情人
How’s it going with you and the dreamboat? 妳和男神進展得如何?
* wear many hats 身兼多職
This position requires that you wear many hats; will that be an issue for you? 太棒了。這個職位需要妳身兼多職;那對妳來說會是個問題嗎?
* comfort zone 舒適圈
It’s perfectly normal to feel like this at a new job. You’re just not in your comfort zone yet. 在新工作有這種感覺是非常正常的。妳只是還沒適應而已。
* greener pastures 更好的工作
So you’re off to greener pastures. 所以妳要另謀高就。
* in the books 完成了;結束了
Finally, the first week of our senior year is in the books. 我們高三的第一週終於結束了。
* amped 興奮的
I registered for that one too! I’m amped for it; I’ve heard the professor is really amazing. 我也選了那堂課!我非常興奮;我聽說那個教授真的很棒。
* pull an all-nighter 開夜車;熬夜
I’ll probably need to pull an all-nighter to finish this report. 我可能得通宵才能完成這份報告。