Rowan the Red Squirrel (Paperback)
作者: Lynne Rickards 
書城編號: 1391443

原價: HK$98.00
現售: HK$93.1 節省: HK$4.9

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出版日期: 2018/04/15
尺寸: 266x231x4mm
重量: 0.18 kg
ISBN: 9781782504771


Deep in the woods, in a crooked old tree,
Lived two little squirrels, with Mum, who made three.
Hazel was brave -- a flash and a flurry,
While Rowan was shy, and tended to worry.

Rowan the little red squirrel and his sister Hazel are leaving their dray on their own for the very first time. Hazel is eager to explore and, before they know it, they set off on an exciting adventure. But Rowan is worried -- about the strange noises in the forest around them and their mother's warning to look out for the fox

Written in Lynne Rickards' signature rhyme, this charming tale of two very different siblings finding their own strengths features dynamic watercolor illustrations of Scottish wildlife and two adorable wee squirrels

From the creators of the best-selling puffin adventure Skye the Puffling, Rowan the Red Squirrel brings the beauty of the Scottish Highlands and its animal inhabitants charmingly to life.

Lynne Rickards 作者作品表

I Do Not Eat the Color Green! (Library Binding)

I Do Not Eat the Color Green! (Paperback)

Pink! (Paperback)

Noisy Neesha: Phase 5 (Paperback)

I Do Not Eat The Colour Green (Paperback)

eBook: Rainbow Street: Independent Reading 12 (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Cat's Tale: Independent Reading Turquoise 7 (DRM EPUB)

Willow the Wildcat (Paperback)

Reading Champion: Rainbow Street (Paperback)

Reading Champion: Rainbow Street (Hardcover)

Skye the Puffling (Hardcover)

Reading Champion: The Cat's Tale (Paperback)

Rowan the Red Squirrel (Paperback)

Reading Champion: The Cat's Tale (Hardcover)

Skye the Puffling (Paperback)

One Potato: Band 05/Green (Paperback)

Pink! (Paperback)

Lewis Clowns Around (Paperback)

I Do Not Eat the Colour Green (Paperback)

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