Cube and the Face - Around a Sculpture by Alberto Giacometti (Paperback)
作者: Georges Didi-Huberman 
分類: Art & design styles: Abstract Expressionism ,
Sculpture ,
Individual artists, art monographs  
書城編號: 1397442

售價: $371.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 18-25 天

出版社: Wiley
出版日期: 2015/05/29
尺寸: 224x142x20mm
重量: 474 grams
ISBN: 9783037345207

Alberto Giacometti's 1934 Cube stands apart for many as atypical of the Swiss artist, the only abstract sculptural work in a wide oeuvre that otherwise had as its objective the exploration of reality.

With The Cube and the Face, renowned French art historian and philosopher Georges Didi-Huberman has conducted a careful analysis of Cube, consulting the artist's sketches, etchings, texts, and other sculptural works in the years just before and after Cube was created. Cube, he finds, is indeed exceptional--a work without clear stylistic kinship to the works that came before or after it. At the same time, Didi-Huberman shows, Cube marks the transition between the artist's surrealist and realist phases and contains many elements of Giacometti's aesthetic consciousness, including his interest in dimensionality, the relation of the body to geometry, and the portrait--or what Didi-Huberman terms "abstract anthropomorphism." Drawing on Freud, Bataille, Leiris, and others Giacometti counted as influence, Didi-Huberman presents fans and collectors of Giacometti's art with a new approach to transitional work.

Georges Didi-Huberman 作者作品表

Atlas, or the Anxious Gay Science (Hardcover)

Survival of the Fireflies (Paperback)

Surviving Image (Paperback)

The Surviving Image: Phantoms of Time and Time of Phantoms: Aby Warburg's History of Art (Hardcover)

Uprisings (Hardcover)

Cube and the Face - Around a Sculpture by Alberto Giacometti (Paperback)

Confronting Images (Paperback)

Confronting Images: Questioning the Ends of a Certain History of Art (Hardcover)

Fra Angelico: Unähnlichkeit Und Figuration (Paperback)

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