Theodosia and the Last Pharaoh
作者: R. L. LaFevers 
書城編號: 1398662

原價: HK$90.00
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出版社: HMH Books for Young Readers
出版日期: 2012/10/23
頁數: 400
重量: 0.36 kg
ISBN: 9780547850863


In this fourth book in the popular series, Theodosia sets off to Egypt to return the Emerald Tablet--embedded with the knowledge of some of the ancient world's most guarded secrets.

Accompanied by her cat, Isis (smuggled along in a basket), Theo plans to return the artifact, then explore the mysteries surrounding her own birth and oh, yes--help her mother dig up treasures on her archeological expedition.

But nothing ever works out as planned, especially when a precious treasure appears suddenly, and then just as suddenly disappears . . . When the Serpents of Chaos get involved, Theo finds she's digging up a lot more than she expected!

This highly praised, exciting middle grade series is a must for fans of mysteries, humor, and nonstop action.

R. L. LaFevers 作者作品表

Theodosia and the Last Pharaoh

eBook: Theodosia and the Last Pharaoh (DRM EPUB)

Flight of the Phoenix, 1 (Hardcover)

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