2D/3D Chairs
Clipboards Installation
Colorful Rope Installation
Colorful Wind
Flyknit Lunar 2
Hanging Garden
Thin Thin Thin
Air Max Reinvented Installation
As Good As New Shop Installation
Xintiandi Installation
HILUM Art Installation
Cloud Ceiling
Kwint's Installation
Corrugated Cardboard House
Risky Trailer
Exploding Soccer Ball
Camper Osaka
Cascading Disk Run
Wooden Stick Wall
Orchard Installation
Interactive Sculptures
The Joy of Consuming Golden Waste
More Art Less Matter
Explosive Glory
The Snow Shop
J Crew Permanent Installation
Simons Aurora
It All Starts with a Pair of Drys
Fantastic Canopée
Artificial Botanica
Spirited Away
Playful Luxury
Living Painting
Bloom Bloom Bloom
The Blue Tree
Toys Are Forever
Force of Nature
Cardboard Hut
Risky Shop
M-store Installation
Polar Power
Love Fashion/Love Nature
Jingle Bao
Men Shoe Installation
Deer Island
Dream Garden
Truant School-boys
Elements Café
Insect log.Exuvium
Ningbo Shangri-la
Candy Station
Rainbow Legs
Nike Lunar Eclipse Illusion
Space Dipped Shirts
Tea on the Green
Foamboy Monsters
Giant Jaw
Heineken Cloud
Overloaded Fiat 500
SNOG Pop-up Kiosk
EGO Jacket Statue
Wine Cloud Display
IKEA's Furniture Climbing Wall
Elephant on the Grass
你為什麼會在社交網路上分享圖片,是什麼催生想在網上公開自己生活這種現代感?是發自自然還是有意為之?是基於美、智慧還是好玩?如果零售商把社交媒體的「分享力」結合到他們的設計中呢?假如裝置變得讓大家能隨意自拍,能穿戴身上,或者能對動作作出反應呢?設計空間的人不要忽略每個人手上都有一部設備連接著他們和其他人,任何時候都是。例如在「Origami Tree 」(折紙樹)裝置,我們希望用戶能把它「穿」起來然後拍照。在3D 列印快閃工作室,我們設計一個3D 列印的螺旋狀快照亭,大家都喜歡在裡面拍照,跟建造此裝置的驚人科技緊密連接在一起。