Writing for Minecrafters: Grade 2 (paperback)
作者: Sky Pony Press 
書城編號: 1405934

原價: HK$80.00
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出版社: Sky Pony Press
出版日期: 2019/02/05
重量: 0.27 kg
ISBN: 9781510737679

What do children love? Minecraft What will make them love writing? Learning vocabulary, adjectives and adverbs, and sentence structure with Minecraft

Writing for Minecrafters: Grade 2 features video game characters and concepts to encourage second grade writing practice. With Steve, Alex, zombies, creepers, and villagers to inspire them, young Minecrafters will be eager to fill the pages with their own words.

Colorful art and engaging prompts invite kids to expand their vocabulary, practice proper grammar and capitalization, and write for different purposes and audiences. Each game-themed writing activity is designed to reinforce classroom learning and help kids meet the National Common Core language arts standards. Kids will get to express their creativity and writing skills with lessons in:

  • vocabulary development
  • adding detail with adjectives and adverbs
  • past, present, and future tense structure
  • sentence and paragraph structure
  • pre-writing strategies and idea building
  • Informational, opinion, and narrative writing

Reinforce classroom learning and help them meet the National Common Core language arts standards with this kid-friendly tool. Writing for Minecrafters is the best way to get all kids excited about writing.
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