OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT IN THE SUPPLY CHAIN: DECISIONS & CASES (Mcgraw-hill Series Operations and Decision Sciences)
作者: Roger Schroeder 
書城編號: 1411782

原價: HK$2865.00
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出版社: McGraw-Hill Education Asia
出版日期: 2017/02/15
頁數: 576
重量: 0.88 kg
ISBN: 9780077835439

Operations Management in the Supply Chain: Decisions and Cases is an ideal book for the instructor seeking a short text with cases. This book employs a cross-functional perspective that emphasizes strategy and critical thinking, appealing to non-majors and practical for use in an MBA level or undergraduate course in operations management. The size and focus of the book also make the text attractive for the cross-functional curriculum where students are required to purchase more than one text. The eighteen cases offer variety in length and rigor; and several are from Ivey, Stanford, and Darden. This mix makes the book appropriate for both undergraduates and MBA students.
Roger Schroeder 作者作品表

OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT IN THE SUPPLY CHAIN: DECISIONS & CASES (Mcgraw-hill Series Operations and Decision Sciences)

Operations Management in the Supply Chain: Decisions and Cas (Paperback)

Gamebird Taxidermy with Frank Newmyer

Carving Miniature Wildfowl with Robert Guge: How to Carve and Paint Birds and Their Habitats (Hardcover)

Timber Frame Construction (Paperback)

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