Stellaluna 25th Anniversary Edition
作者: Janell Cannon 
書城編號: 1417187

原價: HK$200.00
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出版社: HMH Books for Young Readers
出版日期: 2018/08/07
頁數: 48
重量: 0.48 kg
ISBN: 9780544874350


Celebrate the twenty-fifth anniversary of Stellaluna with a deluxe edition of this bestselling picture book classic.

"Delightful and informative but never didactic; a splendid debut." --Kirkus Reviews

Knocked from her mother's safe embrace by an attacking owl, Stellaluna lands headfirst in a bird's nest. This adorable baby fruit bat's world is literally turned upside down when she is adopted by the occupants of the nest and adapts to their peculiar bird habits.

For this anniversary edition, color has been added to the ink drawings, and the interior design now allows for more art to be seen. Includes two pages of updated notes about bats and a special note from the author.

Janell Cannon 作者作品表

Stellaluna 25th Anniversary Edition

Pinduli (Paperback)

Stellaluna (Paperback)


Pinduli (hardcover)

Verdi (hardcover)

Stellaluna (paperback) (Harcourt Brace Big Books)

Stellaluna (hardcover)

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