Gr 3 sc11 nat teacher ed pkg (spir) (ed 1)
作者: MMH 
書城編號: 1421145

原價: HK$5438.00
現售: HK$5166.1 節省: HK$271.9

購買此書 10本或以上 9折, 60本或以上 8折

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出版日期: 2011/04
ISBN: 9780022886462

Easy-to-follow Teacher Editions help you make the most effective use of science instructional time. This spiral-bound, three-volume set contains helpful teaching strategies and to meet the needs of diverse learners and provide interdisciplinary connections to Reading, Writing, Language Arts, and Math. (Vol. 1: Life, Vol. 2: Earth, Vol. 3: Physical)

Science a closer look unit c earth and r (paperback) (ed 1)

Sacl unit d weather space se 3 (paperback) (ed 1)

Sacl unit c our earth se 2 (paperback) (ed 1)

Science a closer look unit e matter stud (paperback) (ed 1)

Science a closer look unit a living thin (paperback) (ed 1)

Science a closer look unit b habitats st (paperback) (ed 1)

Sacl unit b ecosystems se 3 (paperback) (ed 1)

Sacl unit f motion energy se 1 (paperback) (ed 1)

Sacl unit b ecosystems se 4 (paperback) (ed 1)

Science a closer look unit f forces and (paperback) (ed 1)

Sacl unit d weather space se 5 (paperback) (ed 1)

Sacl unit a plants se 1 (paperback) (ed 1)

Sacl unit d weather sky se 1 (paperback) (ed 1)

Sacl unit b animals homes se 1 (paperback) (ed 1)

Sacl unit f motion energy se 2 (paperback) (ed 1)

Sacl u4 engineering tech se 5 (spir) (ed 1)

Sacl unit c earth se 5 (paperback) (ed 1)

Sacl unit b ecosystems se 5 (paperback) (ed 1)

Sacl unit f forces energy se 3 (paperback) (ed 1)

Sacl unit a living things se 4 (paperback) (ed 1)

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