Fusion reading plus, book 1 (paperback) (ed 1)
書城編號: 1423024

原價: HK$340.00
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出版日期: 2012/04/09
ISBN: 9780076627202


Students in Fusion Reading have made statistically significant gains in reading scores. Students learn the skills and strategies necessary to become better readers, both in their reading classes as well as their other academic classes. Jamestown''s popular non-fiction texts provide the high-interest reading selections to support this program.

  • Explicit: Provides instruction using age-appropriate leveled text to effectively teach reading skills and strategies and engage students
  • Proven: Increases student engagement and reading outcomes supporting 1 1/2 year to 2 years of growth in one year of instruction.
  • Flexible: Adapts to various instructional settings and easily adapts to multiple block schedule formats
  • Research Based: Developed and field tested through an IES grant at the University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning

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