凶宅Xiong zhai、靈異照片Paranormal photograph、鬼打牆Gui da qiang、魔神仔Moo-sin-a、送肉粽Give away rice dumplings、冥婚Ghost marriage
鉤子人 The Hook Man
人類最好的朋友 Man’s Best Friend
窗戶裡的殺手 The Killer in the Window
失蹤的新娘 The Missing Bride
公事包中的刀子 The Knife in the Briefcase
消失的搭便車旅人 The Vanishing Hitchhiker
1. 英國倫敦塔Tower of London
2. 加拿大班夫溫泉酒店Banff Springs Hotel
3. 印尼拉汪賽屋Lawang Sewu
4. 墨西哥玩偶島Island of Dolls
5. 美國東州監獄Eastern State Penitentiary
6. 義大利波維利亞島Poveglia Island
7. 蘇格蘭愛丁堡城堡Edinburgh Castle
8. 新加坡舊樟宜醫院Old Changi Hospital
9. 鬼船瑪麗皇后號The Queen Mary
10. 美國溫徹斯特神祕屋Winchester Mystery House
通靈板Ouija board
水鬼Water ghost
收驚The Shoujing ritual
鬼壓床Gui ya chuang
靈魂出竅Out-of-body experience
養小鬼Raising a little ghost
嬰靈Infant spirit
幻想出來的朋友Imaginary friends
海地喪屍Haitian zombie
觀落陰Guan luo yin
陰陽眼Yin yang eyes
大法師 The Exorcist
沉默的羔羊 The Silence of the Lambs
德州電鋸殺人狂 The Texas Chain Saw Massacre
泰國丹賽鬼臉節Phi Ta Khon
墨西哥亡靈節Día de los Muertos
西藏天葬Sky Burial
Ghosts and Spirits
An ancient belief
Belief in ghosts is as old as mankind itself. In ancient cultures all around the world, people believed that the human soul left the body at the time of death and entered the afterlife. But if spirits go to live in the afterlife, why would they appear to the living in the form of ghosts? In Chinese tradition, the gates to the underworld open during Ghost Month—the seventh month of the lunar calendar—allowing the spirits of the dead to visit the world of the living for food and entertainment.
In Christian tradition, the souls of the dead go to Heaven or Hell, where they remain for eternity. No wonder there are only two clear references to ghosts in the Bible. In the Old Testament, Saul, King of Israel, asks the ghost of Samuel for advice in defeating the Philistines; and in the New Testament, Jesus has to persuade people that’s he’s not a ghost after he rises from the dead. Yet while the Church discouraged belief in ghosts, there were so many sightings over the centuries that their efforts had little effect.
Ghosts enter the modern era
Ghost stories had long been popular with Victorian readers, but it was the work of Scottish writer Catherine Crowe that brought belief in ghosts into the modern era. In The Night Side of Nature, published in 1848, she collected accounts of ghost sightings and haunted houses from all over Europe. What made Crowe’s book different from other collections of ghost stories was the fact that she carried out careful research, requiring at least two firsthand witnesses for each account included.
The rise of spiritualism
While Crowe’s book did much to raise public awareness of the supernatural, it was an event on the other side of the Atlantic that turned belief in ghosts and the afterlife into a new religious movement called spiritualism. In the spring of 1848, when the Fox family of New York State was kept up by strange noises in their house, sisters Maggie and Katie discovered the source was a ghost, and that they could communicate with him by asking questions and interpreting the rapping sounds that he made.
The ghost claimed that he was a salesman who’d been killed by the house’s former owner, and when human bones were discovered in the basement, the sisters’ story spread across the country. They began traveling from town to town holding séances, where they communicated with other spirits using the same method. As their fame as mediums grew, many others found that they could also contact spirits, and a new religious movement was born. Instead of church, members attended séances, where mediums helped them talk to dead relatives and receive guidance from the spirit world.
Are ghosts real?
When ghosts at séances went from rapping on tables to moving objects and even appearing before audiences, many began to suspect that the mediums were just performing tricks. Clubs and societies were formed to investigate the existence of ghosts, and while a number of mediums turned out to be frauds, some investigators—including doctor and author Arthur Conan Doyle and scientist Pierre Curie—actually became believers. This tradition continues today on popular shows like Ghost Hunter and Ghost Adventures. Although no solid proof has been found yet, it’s hard to prove that ghosts don’t exist.
Properties of ghosts
When ghosts can be seen to humans, they usually have a white, transparent appearance, but may also look just like they did in real life. Some walk around in a normal manner, while others float through the air. Ghosts are almost always dressed, usually in clothing from the period they lived in. They may use words or gestures to communicate with the living, or may not even notice them at all. Some ghosts appear to living relatives to deliver warnings or advice, and others haunt specific locations, usually where they died violent or tragic deaths. Ghosts called poltergeists—“noisy ghost” in German—make loud noises and throw objects around.
Getting rid of ghosts
Most ghosts mean humans no harm, but living in a haunted house can still be a scary experience. Sometimes getting rid of a ghost is as simple as asking it to leave. If the ghost is a dead loved one, just tell it that it’s all right to move on. Another way to get rid of a ghost is to cleanse the space with incense, candles and prayer. For ghosts that are particularly stubborn or evil, an exorcism may be necessary.
Fox sisters 福克斯家三姐妹
Maggie Fox(1833~1893)和Katie Fox(1837~1892)堪稱現代靈媒的始祖,十幾歲起展現她們的通靈能力,能透過敲擊聲組成的密碼與鬼魂溝通。兩人的大姐 Leah Fox(1831~1890)曾經協助她們發展事業,在上流社交圈內舉辦降神會、首開先河收費表演通靈術。儘管Maggie和Kati晚年公開招認只是在裝神弄鬼,但相信及研究鬼魂的風氣,早已隨她們的聲名遠播而大開。
Arthur Conan Doyle 柯南道爾爵士
Pierre Curie 皮耶居里
法國物理學家皮耶居里(1859~1906)曾因放射性元素鐳的研究,與妻子瑪麗居里(Marie Curie,或稱居里夫人Madame Curie)共同獲得諾貝爾物理學獎。
move on 繼續過生活
move on 字面上的意思是「繼續移動」,常用於形容從失敗或是傷痛中站起來。這是把人生看成一段旅程, move on 正可傳神地表達那種走出悲情,「日子繼續過下去」的感覺。
A: It's been a year, but I still think about her all the time.
B: I think it's time for you to meet someone new and move on.
F: Hey, Tom. I brought a paper. What section do you want to read?
M: The crime section, of course. That’s where all the juicy stories are—murders, suicides….
F: Ha-ha. That reminds me of a story that was in the news lately. A group of friends rented a house, and after they moved in bad things started happening to them, like traffic accidents and strange illnesses. Then the faucets started turning on by themselves, and every night the smell of baking cake filled the air. When they started asking around, a neighbor told them that the house’s previous owner committed suicide there by burning charcoal. They were so freaked out that they broke their lease and moved out.
M: So they thought the house was haunted by the suicide victim?
F: Yeah. In Taiwan, we call a house where a murder or suicide took place a “xiong zhai.”
M: So it doesn’t count if somebody dies of natural causes.
F: Right. In Taiwan it’s a big taboo to buy a xiong zhai. People believe it can cause bad health and bring bad luck. When someone sells a house where there was a murder or suicide, they’re required to disclose that to the buyer. There’s even a xiong zhai website where you can look up addresses to see if anything bad happened there. Do you have taboos like that in America?
M: I don’t think it’s that big of a deal, but nobody wants to live in a house where some grisly murder took place. As far as I know, some states have disclosure laws, but most don’t.
F: Oh, there was another weird story in the news recently. A worker fell off a roof into an alley between two houses, and it was too narrow for the ambulance to drive into. The paramedics asked the owner of one of the houses if he could open his back door so they could carry the injured man out, but he refused. He was afraid that if the guy died in his house it would affect his property value!
M: Wow, I guess people really take this stuff seriously.
F: Well, not everybody’s a believer. Some people even invest in xiong zhai, and I hear the money is good.
M: Are you considering an investment?
F: Apartments here are so expensive that I couldn’t even afford a xiong zhai. How about you? Would you live in a xiong zhai?
M: I don’t know. All these creepy stories are giving me the heebie-jeebies. How about showing me that website so I can see if my apartment is a xiong zhai?