Fringe Attack (Paperback)
作者: Heather Lee Dyer 
書城編號: 14327831

原價: HK$100.00
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出版社: Cuke Pr
出版日期: 2018/09/11
重量: 0.25 kg
ISBN: 9781732280052


"Our day begins when yours ends."

Life for seventeen-year-old coroner's apprentice Brenna Teves is just getting back to a new normal after space pirates attacked Delta Station. Unfortunately, the peace does not last for long as it's soon apparent this is not an isolated attack.

Sol's Galactic security command enlists Bren's help to investigate the escalating carnage. Deep in one of the attacked asteroid mines, Bren discovers clues to why the attacks are happening and who's involved. It's not just space pirates that now want to keep her quiet.

Not knowing who she can trust in this web of secrets, Bren finds herself a fugitive from the galactic command. She must rely on her extraordinary instincts and knowledge she gained from living deep in the mines of Mars in order survive, rescue her friends, and figure out how to save the entire galaxy from imminent danger.

Heather Lee Dyer 作者作品表

Pisces Drowning (Paperback)

Leo on Fire: Book One of the Zodiac Drift Series (Paperback)

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