Trope Paris (Hardcover)
作者: Sam Landers 
分類: Photographs: collections  
書城編號: 14332238

原價: HK$600.00
現售: HK$570 節省: HK$30

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出版社: Trope Pub Co
出版日期: 2021/09/01
ISBN: 9781732693630

Trope Paris, the sixth volume in the Trope City Editions series, celebrates the architecture and urban landscapes of France's capital city and a global center for art, fashion, gastronomy and culture.

The collection highlights the photographic images of 17 independent photographers from Paris and beyond, who through their passion for the craft, creative development, and social media smarts have attracted impressive followings on Instagram.

This carefully curated and bound collection of over 200 photographs offers a new perspective on Paris. Each chapter is accompanied by a map, along with the locations where the photographs were taken. From Montmartre and the Sacre-Coeur to the lights of the Arc de Triomphe and the Champs-Elysee to the magnificence of the Eiffel Tower, these images command a strong point of view: digitally processed, filtered, toned, de-saturated, sharpened, for a very urban sensibility. Showcasing both the historic elegance and quiet glamour of contemporary Paris, the images reveal distinctive and dramatic visions of one of the world's greatest cities.

Featured photographers include: Elisabeth Argillier, Kwe Bentum, Julien Coudrot, Christian Dumont, Dominique Dutronc, Nathalie Geoffrey, Aur
Sam Landers 作者作品表

Trope Chicago: Beyond the Loop (Hardcover)

Trope Tokyo (Hardcover)

Trope London (Hardcover)

Trope Chicago (Hardcover)

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