Earthlight Space Academy: Border School (Hardcover)
作者: Heather Lee Dyer 
書城編號: 14335230

原價: HK$250.00
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出版社: Cuke Pr
出版日期: 2020/01/19
重量: 0.49 kg
ISBN: 9781732999268


My secret could get me killed down here in the Borderlands.

The Earthlight Space Academy is my only hope. It hovers halfway between Earth and the multitude of space stations crowding the sky.

In space there are no politics, no poverty, and no wars. The Universal Space Laws have proven successful.

Unfortunately, it's too late for the nations on Earth. Down here the only way to survive is to leave.

My secret is my best friend Kai Tang.

Kai lives on the other side of the Dragon Wall. Our growing friendship is forbidden - by both of our governments.

As if daily hunger, torturous training for the Academy, and being terrified of someone outside of school finding out about Kai and me isn't enough stress, a new student arrives that upsets the balance of our border prep school.

Rand James isn't just another competitor for the Academy spots. He's handsome and strong, but a simmering darkness inside him makes him feel like a ticking bomb.

Nothing is more important than getting into the Earthlight Space Academy. I can't let anything, or anyone ruin my one chance to get out of Hells Canyon.

Heather Lee Dyer 作者作品表

Pisces Drowning (Paperback)

Leo on Fire: Book One of the Zodiac Drift Series (Paperback)

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