字數(每篇) 國中1200單字
(每篇) 國中1201-2000
(3, 4, 5級)(每篇) 文法 句子長度
Book 1:
120-150 93% 7字 3字(國一)first year 15字
Book 2:
150-180 86% 15字 6字(國二)second year 18字
Book 3:
180-210 82% 30字 7字(國三)third year 25字
Book 4:
210-250 75% 50字 12字(國三進階)advanced 28字
1.文章中心思想(Main Idea)/主題(Subject Matter)
2.細節閱讀(Supporting Details)
3.從上下文猜測字義(Words in Context)
4.文意推論(Making Inferences)
5.看懂影像圖表(Visualizing comprehension)
Step Into Target Reading is a four-book series specially designed for beginner to intermediate level readers. Each book contains 50 content-rich lessons, with each lesson composed of a reading text and five reading comprehension questions. The topics covered in the series are fun, diverse, and related to the readers’ everyday lives. The texts come in a variety of types, providing a different reading experience daily and exposing learners to a wide range of useful everyday language.
Reading Passage
The themes covered in this book include Teens, Families, Education, Entertainment, Health & Body, Holidays & Festivals, Animals, Arts & Literature,
Science, Culture, and Travel, to name but a few. These diverse topics not only attract the readers’ attention but also lead to the acquisition of different types of knowledge. The texts themselves come in many different forms, including passages, poems, dialogues, advertisements, blogs, calendars, leaflets, magazine articles, and news clips, providing students with an array of authentic reading experiences.
Reading Practice
Each text is followed by five comprehension questions to help students understand the reading. The reading skills involved in these questions are:
Main idea / Subject matter
Supporting details
Words in context
Making inferences
Visualizing comprehension
These questions help students review the content of the reading and improve their comprehension skills.
1. The Unluckiest Guy in the World 世上最倒楣的人
2. Postcards From Taiwan 從台灣來的明信片
3. School Dance 學校舞會
4. Idioms to Make You Mad as a Hatter 讓人發狂的成語
5. German Phrasebook 德語片語書
6. When to Reach for a Glass of Water 最佳喝水建議時間
7. What’s Your Favorite Class? 你最愛哪堂課?
8. Greetings From Home 家書
9. Better to Be Yourself Than Perfect 做「自己」好過做「完美先生」
10. Welcome to the Sunnyside Dog Park! 歡迎光臨陽光狗狗公園!
11. A Most Delicious Debate: Who Invented the Hamburger?
12. Olympic Games All-Time Medal Wins 奧林匹克獎牌得主全紀錄
13. The Amazing Max 神奇的馬克斯
14. Will Robots Help Us or Just Steal Our Jobs? 機器人是助手還是威脅?
15. Fortune Telling 算命
16. The World’s Most-Visited Cities 全球最受歡迎的旅遊城市
17. Exam Preparation Tips 準備考試的技巧
18. The Seven Coloured Earth 模里西斯七色土
19. Diary of a Doctor Without Borders 無國界醫生的日記
20. Movie Budget Breakdown 電影預算分析
21. Taiwan’s Tree King 台灣樹王
22. Breaking Up Is Hard to Do 分手是門學問
23. Using the Metro 使用地下鐵
24. A Christmas Card 聖誕卡片
25. Search Engine—African Penguin 使用搜尋引擎:黑腳企鵝
26. Finding the Road to Happiness 通往快樂的道路
27. Understanding ADHD 注意力不足過動症
28. Never Too Young to Change the World 改變世界不嫌遲
29. Gardening in Space 種植太空蔬菜
30. The Carnival of Venice 威尼斯嘉年華
31. Fort Bragg’s Glass Beach 加州布拉格堡玻璃海灘
32. EMP Museum EMP博物館
33. The Dos and Don’ts of Online Chatting 網路聊天要小心
34. Ha Long Bay, Vietnam 越南下龍灣
35. Is a Crow Smarter Than a Seven-Year-Old? 烏鴉比七歲小孩聰明?
36. The Languages of International Business 國際貿易通用語言
37. What’s Hot and What’s Not? 跟對潮流再購物
38. How We View Terrorism 「恐怖主義」的定義
39. Cloud Computing 雲端計算
40. Iceland 冰島
41. House Hunting 購屋選擇
42. Crosstalk of the Town 相聲
43. World Magazine 世界雜誌
44. The True Cost of a Tasty Steak 美味牛排的代價
45. Malala Yousafzai 馬拉拉‧優薩福扎伊
46. Blueberries: The Superfood! 超級食物:藍莓
47. A Note for the House Sitter 給管家的紙條
48. Little Taipei 小台北餐館
49. Taiwan Blue Magpie 台灣藍鵲
50. Watch Out! Your Smartphone Can Make You Go Blind 小心!智慧型手機可能導致眼盲