字數(每篇) 國中1200單字
(每篇) 國中1201-2000
(3, 4, 5級)(每篇) 文法 句子長度
Book 1:
120-150 93% 7字 3字(國一)first year 15字
Book 2:
150-180 86% 15字 6字(國二)second year 18字
Book 3:
180-210 82% 30字 7字(國三)third year 25字
Book 4:
210-250 75% 50字 12字(國三進階)advanced 28字
1.文章中心思想(Main Idea)/主題(Subject Matter)
2.細節閱讀(Supporting Details)
3.從上下文猜測字義(Words in Context)
4.文意推論(Making Inferences)
5.看懂影像圖表(Visualizing comprehension)
Step Into Target Reading is a four-book series specially designed for beginner to intermediate level readers. Each book contains 50 content-rich lessons, with each lesson composed of a reading text and five reading comprehension questions. The topics covered in the series are fun, diverse, and related to the readers’ everyday lives. The texts come in a variety of types, providing a different reading experience daily and exposing learners to a wide range of useful everyday language.
Reading Passage
The themes covered in this book include Teens, Families, Education, Entertainment, Health & Body, Holidays & Festivals, Animals, Arts & Literature,
Science, Culture, and Travel, to name but a few. These diverse topics not only attract the readers’ attention but also lead to the acquisition of different types of knowledge. The texts themselves come in many different forms, including passages, poems, dialogues, advertisements, blogs, calendars, leaflets, magazine articles, and news clips, providing students with an array of authentic reading experiences.
Reading Practice
Each text is followed by five comprehension questions to help students understand the reading. The reading skills involved in these questions are:
Main idea / Subject matter
Supporting details
Words in context
Making inferences
Visualizing comprehension
These questions help students review the content of the reading and improve their comprehension skills.
1. A Day at the Movies 電影院時刻表
2. What Makes a Good Friend? 「好朋友」的定義
3. English Forum 英語論壇
4. Get Home Safe 安全返家
5. Jane's Notebook 珍的筆記本
6. After-School Classes 課後才藝班
7. Love and Divorce 相愛與離婚
8. How Low Is Enough? 最低薪資該有多少?
9. My Greatest Fear 我最大的恐懼
10. Assembly Instructions 家具組裝指南
11. She's Out of This World 我的女友是外星人
12. Teatime for Class 3B 3B班的下午茶時間
13. What Job Is Right for you? 你適合什麼工作?
14. Remembering Aunt Pat 緬懷派特阿姨
15. Let's Play Ball! 來玩棒球吧!
16. What’s a Berry? 什麼是莓子?
17. Soccer Commentary 足球評論
18. Magic Trick: Video Tutorial 魔術影片教學
19. A Writer’s Best Friend 作家最好的朋友
20. Short Story Competition 短篇故事寫作競賽
21. Black Gold 「黑金」石油
22. Korea’s Boryeong Mud Festival 韓國保寧泥巴節
23. Bike Rentals 租用腳踏車
24. Cleaning Your Teeth: A History 清潔牙齒的歷史
25. Mothers in the Animal Kingdom 動物世界裡的母親角色
26. How to Tell If Someone Is Lying 如何分辨人在說謊
27. Planet Gamer 全球電玩玩家
28. Weather Forecast 氣象預報
29. Daily Horoscope 每日星座
30. Skin Glow Sheet Mask 光澤面膜
31. Can Cockroaches Survive Without their Heads? 無頭蟑螂能存活嗎?
32. Lost and Found Notice 失物招領公告
33. Encyclopedia Britannica: The Most Useful Books Around
34. Ice Queen 冰雪皇后
35. The Khan Academy 可汗學院
36. Time to Disconnect 斷線的時刻到了
37. Mark Twain 馬克‧吐溫
38. Everwood Science Fair 艾威爾伍德科學展覽
39. What on Earth Is Fish Paste? 到底什麼是魚醬?
40. Blue Gold 藍金:珍惜水資源
41. The Two Sides of "Checking In" on Facebook 臉書打卡的利弊
42. Job Application Email 應徵職缺電子郵件
43. Are Knock-Offs Really Worth It? 買仿冒品真的值得嗎?
44. Earth Day 世界地球日
45. Half Man, Half Bird 半人半鳥:飛鼠裝滑翔運動
46. Buying a Book Online 網路購書
47. The Glowing Mountain 閃亮山丘:台灣雪山
48. Breathable Roads 會呼吸的道路:JW生態工法的海綿道路
49. The Trojan Horse 特洛伊木馬
50. Bike Thief Notice 腳踏車竊賊公告