Maximum Dare (Paperback)
作者: Debbie Kuhn 
書城編號: 14342068

售價: $160.00

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出版社: Resume Place
出版日期: 2020/04/22
重量: 0.31 kg
ISBN: 9781733774291


You're probably wondering what I'm doing hanging off the edge of London's tallest building, The Shard.

I can explain. Kind of. Because I'm not even sure who the invitation came from to join the Dare Club.

But I've narrowed it down to two men:

Max Marquis, a tall, gorgeous Brazilian lawyer with an accent to die for and Nick Banham, a dashing English athlete who may have just broken my heart. Their reasons? Could be love. Could be a desire to watch me suffer. Or maybe those two are the same.

Oh, yeah, and they're half brothers.

And I'm in love with both of them.

So you see, thrill-seeking is just what I might need to sort this all out.

If I don't fall to my death first.

But if there's one thing I've learned, when it comes to love, you have to hang on tight.

Maximum Dare is the STANDALONE contemporary romance novel from Vanessa Fewings, USA Today Bestselling Author of the The ICON Trilogy.

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