Hey, Kiddo (National Book Award Finalist) (paperback)
作者: Jarrett J. Krosoczka 
分類: Graphic novels: true stories & non-fiction ,
Comic strip fiction / graphic novels (Children's / Teenage) ,
People & places (Children's / Teenage) ,
Cartoons & comic strips (Children's / Teenage) ,
Personal & social issues (Children's / Teenage)  
書城編號: 1435790

原價: HK$150.00
現售: HK$142.5 節省: HK$7.5

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出版日期: 2018/10/09
重量: 0.66 kg
ISBN: 9780545902489

The powerful, unforgettable graphic memoir from Jarrett Krosoczka, about growing up with a drug-addicted mother, a missing father, and two unforgettably opinionated grandparents.

In kindergarten, Jarrett Krosoczka's teacher asks him to draw his family, with a mommy and a daddy. But Jarrett's family is much more complicated than that. His mom is an addict, in and out of rehab, and in and out of Jarrett's life. His father is a mystery -- Jarrett doesn't know where to find him, or even what his name is. Jarrett lives with his grandparents -- two very loud, very loving, very opinionated people who had thought they were through with raising children until Jarrett came along.Jarrett goes through his childhood trying to make his non-normal life as normal as possible, finding a way to express himself through drawing even as so little is being said to him about what's going on. Only as a teenager can Jarrett begin to piece together the truth of his family, reckoning with his mother and tracking down his father. Hey, Kiddo is a profoundly important memoir about growing up in a family grappling with addiction, and finding the art that helps you survive.
Jarrett J. Krosoczka 作者作品表

At Last, Jedi (Star Wars: Jedi Academy #9) (hardcover)

eBook: Hey, Kiddo (mp3 zips)

Star Wars: l'Académie Jedi: N° 6 - Le Directeur Contre-Attaque (Paperback)

Hey, Kiddo (National Book Award Finalist) (paperback)

The Principal Strikes Back (Star Wars: Jedi Academy #6)

Star Wars: l'Académie Jedi: N° 5 - Le Sommeil de la Force (Paperback)

A New Class (Star Wars: Jedi Academy #4) (Hardcover)

eBook: Platypus Police Squad: Never Say Narwhal (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Platypus Police Squad: Last Panda Standing (DRM EPUB)

Platypus Police Squad: The Ostrich Conspiracy

eBook: Platypus Police Squad: The Ostrich Conspiracy (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Platypus Police Squad: The Frog Who Croaked (DRM EPUB)

Lunch Lady and the Picture Day Peril (paperback)

Lunch Lady and the Mutant Mathletes: Lunch Lady #7 (paperback)

eBook: Guys Read: Pudding: A Short Story from Guys Read: Thriller (DRM EPUB)

Lunch Lady and the Field Trip Fiasco (paperback)

eBook: Annie was Warned (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Punk Farm on Tour (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Punk Farm (DRM EPUB)

Lunch Lady and the Bake Sale Bandit (paperback)

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