The Little Green Math Book: 30 Powerful Principles for Building Math and Numeracy Skills (paperback)
作者: Brandon Royal 
書城編號: 1439087

售價: $150.00

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出版社: Maven Publishing
出版日期: 2010/03/15
重量: 0.3 kg
ISBN: 9781897393505


The Little Green Math Book reads like a collection of math recipes to help us blend problems, principles, and approaches in creating our own lineup of splendid math cuisine. The book's four chapters include: (1) Basic Numeracy Ingredients, (2) Wonderful Math Recipes, (3) Favorite Numeracy Dishes, and (4) Special Math Garnishments. Along with 30 of the most fundamental, recurring math principles and rules, readers will find a three-tier system to rate the difficulty level of all problems -- one chili ("mild"), two chilies ("hot"), and three chilies ("very hot").

Enjoy the benefits of your own self-paced math course:
*Contains 120 all-star problems to help readers discover the secrets of basic math.
*Develop a feel for how numbers behave and what makes math problems tick.
*Learn to solve equations by translating math into words and thinking conceptually.
*Watch for pitfalls when working with percentage increase and decrease.
*Use simple math to solve "business" scenarios involving price, cost, volume, profit, and break-even, as well as how to calculate markup versus margin and efficiency.
*Be able to glance at graphs and grasp their underlying meaning.
*Understand correlation: weak or strong, positive or negative, linear or nonlinear.
*Gain a newfound confidence with an increased competency with numbers.

Author's bio: Brandon Royal is an award-winning writer whose educational authorship includes The Little Blue Reasoning Book, The Little Red Writing Book, The Little Gold Grammar Book, and The Little Purple Probability Book. During his tenure working in Hong Kong for US-based Kaplan Educational Centers - a Washington Post subsidiary and the largest test-preparation organization in the world - Brandon honed his theories of teaching and education and developed a set of key learning "principles" to help define the basics of writing, grammar, math, and reasoning. A Canadian by birth and graduate of the University of Chicago's Booth School of Business, his interest in writing began after completing writing courses at Harvard University. Since then he has authored a dozen books and reviews of his books have appeared in Time Asia magazine, Publishers Weekly, Library Journal of America, Midwest Book Review, The Asian Review of Books, Choice Reviews Online, Asia Times Online, and Brandon is a five-time winner of the International Book Awards, a seven-time gold medalist at the President's Book Awards, as well as recipient of the "Educational Book of the Year" award as presented by the Book Publishers Association of Alberta. He has also been a winner or finalist at the Ben Franklin Book Awards, the Global eBook Awards, the Beverly Hills Book Awards, the IPPY Awards, the USA Book News "Best Book Awards," and the Foreword magazine Book of the Year Awards. He continues to write and publish in the belief that there will always be a place for books that inspire, enlighten, and enrich.

Brandon Royal 作者作品表

Chili Hot GMAT (Paperback)

The Little Green Math Book: 30 Powerful Principles for Building Math and Numeracy Skills (paperback)

Ace the GMAT (Hardcover)

The Little Red Writing Book: 20 Powerful Principles of Structure, Style, and Readability (paperback)

eBook: Little Red Writing Book (DRM EPUB)

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