•Features: ◊Tailor-made for Module 2 (Algebra and Calculus) in the NSS Mathemetics Curriculum ◊3 sets of mock papers with detailed solutions written in line with public examination papers ◊A practical reference tool that better prepares students for the HKDSE Mathematics Examination (M2) ◊Enables students to familiarise themselves with the exam contents and formats ◊Helps students identify their weaknesses and improve their performance on topics with which they are less familiar through intensive practice ◊Detailed solutions, in which steps of calculations are clearly shown ◊Bolsters students' confidence in tackling different types of exam questions ◊Helps students excel in the real exams•特點: ◊特別為應考文憑試數學科延伸部分單元二(代數與微積分)的考生編製 ◊三份模擬試卷之考問形式與公開試試卷相若,並附詳細答案,試題更以活頁釘裝,方便分拆使用 ◊有助同學增加實戰經驗 ◊藉着作答模擬試卷,同學既可熟悉考核模式,亦可測試自己的能力,再針對未能完全掌握的課題加緊操練 ◊評分參考中列明每個計算步驟,並提供不同的計算方法,助同學掌握解題要訣 ◊有助增強同學解答各類題目的信心 ◊助同學在實際考試時能有傑出表現