Oxford Freemasons (Hardcover)
作者: Joe Mordaunt Crook 
分類: Social & cultural history ,
Freemasonry & secret societies  
書城編號: 1445504

售價: $490.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 18-25 天

出版社: The Bodleian Library
出版日期: 2019/04/19
尺寸: 278x226x25mm
重量: 998 grams
ISBN: 9781851244676

Over the past two hundred years, many thousands of undergraduates have been initiated into membership of Apollo, the Masonic Lodge of the University of Oxford. These have included such diverse figures as Oscar Wilde, Samuel Reynolds Hole, and Edward, Prince of Wales and his brother Leopold. Drawing on archives held in the Bodleian Library, this book is the first serious attempt to set the story of Apollo in the context of Oxford life and learning as well as its wider social and political diaspora. From the devastating numbers lost in World Wars I and II, as well as those decorated for bravery, to the significant number of Olympians who were members of the lodge, the book also charts the lodge's charitable work, social events, and its adaptation to twenty-first-century life in Oxford. Illustrated with archival material, portraits, and Masonic treasures, this unique book offers the history of a minor narrative with major implications, documenting the remarkable numbers of Oxford freemasons with distinguished careers in government, law, the army, and the church.
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