On Descartes' Passive Thought: The Myth of Cartesian Dualism (Hardcover)
作者: Jean-Luc Marion 
分類: Philosophy ,
Philosophy of mind ,
History of ideas  
書城編號: 1453420

售價: $540.00

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出版社: University of Chicago Press
出版日期: 2018/04/10
尺寸: 158x230x23mm
重量: 0.52 kg
ISBN: 9780226192581
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On Descartes' Passive Thought is the culmination of a life-long reflection on the philosophy of Descartes by one of the most important living French philosophers. In it, Jean-Luc Marion examines anew some of the questions left unresolved in his previous books about Descartes, with a particular focus on Descartes's theory of morals and the passions.

Descartes has long been associated with mind-body dualism, but Marion argues here that this is a historical misattribution, popularized by Malebranche and popular ever since both within the academy and with the general public. Actually, Marion shows, Descartes held a holistic conception of body and mind. He called it the meum corpus, a passive mode of thinking, which implies far more than just pure mind--rather, it signifies a mind directly connected to the body: the human being that I am. Understood in this new light, the Descartes Marion uncovers through close readings of works such as Passions of the Soul resists prominent criticisms leveled at him by twentieth-century figures like Husserl and Heidegger, and even anticipates the non-dualistic, phenomenological concepts of human being discussed today. This is a momentous book that no serious historian of philosophy will be able to ignore.

Jean-Luc Marion 作者作品表

Revelation Comes from Elsewhere (Hardcover)

Revelation Comes from Elsewhere (Paperback)

Descartes's Grey Ontology: Cartesian Science and Aristotelian Thought in the Regulae (hardcover)

On Descartes' Passive Thought: The Myth of Cartesian Dualism (Hardcover)

eBook: Givenness and Revelation (DRM EPUB)

Christentum Und Philosophie: Einheit Im Ubergang (Paperback)

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