The Browning of the New South (Hardcover)
作者: Jennifer A Jones 
分類: Urban communities ,
Hispanic & Latino studies ,
Social & cultural anthropology, ethnography ,
North Carolina  
書城編號: 1453717

售價: $990.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 18-25 天

出版社: American University Of Cairo
出版日期: 2019/05/13
尺寸: 210x150x22mm
重量: 0.52 kg
ISBN: 9780226600840

Studies of immigration to the United States have traditionally focused on a few key states and urban centers, but recent shifts in nonwhite settlement mean that these studies no longer paint the whole picture. Many Latino newcomers are flocking to places like the Southeast, where typically few such immigrants have settled, resulting in rapidly redrawn communities. In this historic moment, Jennifer Jones brings forth an ethnographic look at changing racial identities in one Southern city: Winston-Salem, North Carolina. This city turns out to be a natural experiment in race relations, having quickly shifted in the past few decades from a neatly black and white community to a triracial one. Jones tells the story of contemporary Winston-Salem through the eyes of its new Latino residents, revealing untold narratives of inclusion, exclusion, and interracial alliances. The Browning of the New South reveals how one community's racial realignments mirror and anticipate the future of national politics.
Jennifer A Jones 作者作品表

The Browning of the New South (Hardcover)

Browning of the New South (Paperback)

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