Evidence That Demands a Verdict Study Guide (Paperback)
作者: Josh McDowell 
分類: Christianity ,
Biblical studies & exegesis ,
Christian theology ,
Christian life & practice ,
Christian instruction  
書城編號: 1456664

原價: HK$140.00
現售: HK$133 節省: HK$7

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出版社: Thomas Nelson
出版日期: 2019/06/25
尺寸: 198x128x21mm
重量: 0.16 kg
ISBN: 9780310096726


Equip yourself to present and defend the claims of the Christian faith and the truths of the Bible.

For more than forty years, Evidence That Demands a Verdict has convinced skeptics of the Bible's reliability, helped believers articulate their faith, and given them the vital facts they need to defend God's Word and lead others to faith in Jesus.

In this video Bible study (DVD/video streaming sold separately), based on the completely updated and expanded apologetics classic, Josh McDowell and his son, Sean, focus on Jesus and the Gospels. Learn how the books of the New Testament came into being and why you can be sure they are historically reliable. Examine why the claims Jesus made about himself are true, how he fulfilled Old Testament prophecies about himself, and how we can know the resurrection took place.

This study is for anyone who has ever been stumped by arguments against Christianity or the Bible--or has wondered for themselves if the Bible's depiction of Jesus is true and not just a made-up fairytale.

The Evidence That Demands a Verdict Study Guide includes:

  • Video notes.
  • Discussion questions for groups and individuals.
  • Between-session exercises for personal application.

Sessions include:

  1. Why Is Evidence Important for Faith?
  2. Is There Such a Thing as Truth?
  3. Is the New Testament Reliable?
  4. Did Jesus Actually Rise from the Dead?
  5. Did Jesus Claim to Be God?
  6. How Do We Know the Bible is Accurate?

Designed for use with Evidence That Demands a Verdict Video Study (9780310096740), sold separately.

Josh McDowell 作者作品表

More Than a Carpenter 30 Pack (Revised) (Paperback)

More Than a Carpenter Study Guide: Four Lessons on Who Jesus Is (Paperback)

More Than a Carpenter (Revised) (Paperback)

The 12 Crucial Truths of the Christian Faith: Building Our Lives on the Unshakable Foundation of God's Word (Paperback)

Evidence for Jesus: Timeless Answers for Tough Questions about Christ (Paperback)

Free to Thrive Study Guide: A Biblical Guide to Understanding How Your Hurt, Struggles, and Deepest Longings Can Lead to a Fulfilling Life (Paperback)

eBook: Ready Defense: The Best of Josh McDowell (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Ready Defense: The Best of Josh McDowell (DRM PDF)

#Truth: 365 Devocionales Para Adolescentes: Conectando Con La Vida Y La Fe (Paperback)

eBook: Malgré tout: L'itineraire d'un homme, de ses souvenirs indicibles a une grace extraordinaire... (DRM EPUB)

Evidence That Demands a Verdict Study Guide (Paperback)

eBook: Du scepticisme à la foi (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Set Free to Choose Right: Equipping Today's Kids to Make Right Moral Choices for Life (DRM PDF)

eBook: Set Free to Choose Right: Equipping Today's Kids to Make Right Moral Choices for Life (DRM EPUB)

Evidence that Demands a Verdict (Anglicized) (Hardcover)

Evidence That Demands a Verdict: Life-Changing Truth for a Skeptical World (hardcover)

eBook: #Truth: 365 Devotions for Teens Connecting Life and Faith (DRM EPUB)

eBook: #Truth: 365 Devotions for Teens Connecting Life and Faith (DRM PDF)

eBook: Dix (10) façons de dire ''je t''aime'': Pour un amour qui dure (DRM EPUB)

Answers to Tough Questions (Paperback)

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