Three Grumpy Trucks (Hardcover)
作者: Todd Tarpley 
書城編號: 1456969

原價: HK$182.00
現售: HK$172.9 節省: HK$9.1

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出版社: Little Brown Kids Internationa
出版日期: 2018/09/04
尺寸: 258x263x10mm
重量: 0.48 kg
ISBN: 9780316341226

Trucks need a time-out in this picture book about emotions written by Todd Tarpley (Beep Beep Go to Sleep and Ten Tiny Toes) and illustrated by bestselling artist Guy Parker-Rees (Giraffes Can't Dance).

Whirr Whomp Grind Chomp Three toy trucks have big plans for their day at the playground: digging and lifting, building and shifting. But then they start to get tired . . . and hot . . . and hungry . . . . They're GRUMPY When they throw a total truck tantrum, will anyone be able to calm them down?

Kids (and parents) may just recognize themselves in this entertaining take on getting grouchy, and getting over it. The lighthearted, rhythmic text will have young readers chanting along, and the bright and buoyant illustrations of the trucks' looming meltdown will keep them giggling

Todd Tarpley 作者作品表

Turkey vs. Santa (Hardcover)

Love Is a Story (Board Books)

Wacky Weather: All about Odd Weather Events (Library Binding)

Wacky Weather: All about Odd Weather Events (Hardcover)

Library Books Are Not for Eating! (hardcover)

Library Books Are Not for Eating! (hardcover)

Three Grumpy Trucks (Hardcover)

How to Become a Knight (in Ten Easy Lessons) (Hardcover)

Beep! Beep! Go to Sleep! (Hardcover)

My Grandma's a Ninja (Hardcover)

Ten Tiny Toes (Hardcover Book)

How About a Kiss For Me?

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