The Cars and Trucks Book (Hardcover)
作者: Todd Parr 
分類: General fiction (Children's / Teenage)  
書城編號: 1457125

原價: HK$190.00
現售: HK$180.5 節省: HK$9.5

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出版社: Little, Brown Young Readers
出版日期: 2018/12/24
尺寸: 260x257x9mm
重量: 0.5 kg
ISBN: 9780316506625

From bestselling and beloved author Todd Parr, a new book about all of the different ways that cars and trucks help people and have fun.

Some trucks help on the farm.

Some trucks help in the city.

Some cars like to drive in the snow.

And some cars like to drive to the beach.

All cars and trucks LOVE to be on the ROAD

Todd Parr brings his trademark bright colors and bold lines to his new book about cars, trucks, and the occasional bus. In a fun collection of silly images, Todd explores all of the ways vehicles have an impact on our daily lives, while weaving in messages about positivity, the environment, and safety. Readers will laugh along with the whole four-wheeled gang

Todd Parr 作者作品表

The Bedtime Book (Board Books)

The Daddy Book / El Libro de Los Papás (Paperback)

The Mommy Book / El Libro de Las Mamás (Paperback)

You Will Always Have Me (Hardcover)

The Goodbye Book / El Libro del Adiós (Paperback)

It's Okay to Be Different / Está Bien Ser Diferente (Mass Market Paperbound)

The ABC Book: Write + Wipe (hardcover)

The Birthday Book (hardcover)

Love the World (hardcover)

The Kindness Book (Hardcover)

The Cars and Trucks Book (Hardcover)

Thankful Book (Hardcover)

I Love the Earth (hardcover)

I'm Not Scared Book (Hardcover)

Be Who You are (Hardcover)

Teachers Rock! (Hardcover)

Mommy Book (Hardcover)

The Goodbye Book (hardcover)

Daddy Book (Hardcover)

Otto Goes to the Beach (Trade Paperback)

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