Earth Science (Paperback)
作者: Mark Hendrix 
分類: Earth sciences  
書城編號: 1458044

售價: $840.00

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出版社: Cengage Learning
出版日期: 2020/01/01
尺寸: 210x150x22mm
重量: 1.13 kg
ISBN: 9780357116562

Designed in direct response to student surveys, focus groups and interviews, Hendrix/Thompson's EARTH SCIENCE: AN INTRODUCTION, 3rd Edition, delivers concise yet comprehensive coverage in an engaging and accessible format for majors and non-majors alike. The revised text brings concepts to life with current research and examples, a new-and-improved art program, over 150 new photos, and a clean, modern design. A second-to-none supplements package equips you with a wealth of resources, including MindTap--the digital learning solution that enables you to learn on your own terms.
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