Small Firms and Local Economic Networks: The Death of the Local Economy? (Hardcover)
作者: James Curran 
分類: Labour economics ,
Small businesses & self-employed  
書城編號: 14601935

售價: $1960.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 18-25 天

出版社: Paul Chapman
出版日期: 1994/04/28
ISBN: 9781853962097

This book examines the relationships between small businesses, large businesses and their local economies. The wide-ranging examination is based on data collected from over 400 businesses

in seven contrasting localities in the United Kingdom. All the owner-managers and large organization representatives were interviewed face-to-face and background data was collected from numerous other individuals and sources.

The authors′ findings have profound implications for theory and policy. They question the applicability of models of the changing economy such as ′industrial districts′ idealized in much of the recent literature. The results also have implications for those agencies based on the locality attempting to reach small businesses as well as government policies attempting economic development.

James Curran 作者作品表

eBook: Australia's China Odyssey (DRM PDF)

eBook: Australia's China Odyssey (DRM EPUB)

Campese: the last of the dream sellers (Paperback)

eBook: Campese: the last of the dream sellers (DRM EPUB)

Culture Wars (Paperback)

Power Without Responsibility (Paperback)

eBook: Fighting with America: A Lowy Institute Paper: Penguin Special: Why saying 'No' to the US wouldn't rupture the alliance (DRM EPUB)

eBook: At the Hour of Our Death: The Mysteries of San Siddinus (DRM EPUB)

Misunderstanding the Internet (Paperback)

Check Six! (Hardcover)

誤解網際網路 Misunderstanding the Internet

An Unholy Fury: Whitlam and Nixon at War (Paperback)

Misunderstanding the Internet

eBook: Media and Democracy (DRM PDF)

eBook: Media and Democracy (DRM EPUB)

Media and Democracy

Curtin's Empire (Paperback)

Media and Society (Paperback)

Power without Responsibility (Paperback)

The Power Of Speech: Australian Prime Ministers Defining the National Image (Paperback)

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