Taekwondo Spirit and Practice: Beyond Self-Defense (Paperback)
作者: Richard Chun 
分類: Oriental martial arts  
書城編號: 14634131

原價: HK$182.00
現售: HK$172.9 節省: HK$9.1

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出版社: Ymaa Pubn Ctr
出版日期: 2002/09/01
重量: 0.29 kg
ISBN: 9781886969223

Master Richard Chun takes us on a first hand account of his life story and his dedication to the art of Taekwondo. We begin in Korea just before the Korean war and learn why Taekwondo is a noble and positive recreation for children, offering them challenges and lessons that they will reflect upon for their entire lives. We follow as he takes Taekwondo to America not knowing how he and his art will be received. We see how Taekwondo plays a major role in this Grand Master's pursuit of a life in America and we cheer him on as he overcomes the difficulties a non-english speaking immigrant discovers in the USA. From celebrity students and their families (Donald Trump, Mayor Guliani, Gregory Hines) to everyday citizens, Master Richard Chun offers us the key to living a life of contribution to humanity through Taekwondo.- Deepen Your Understand of Taekwondo Traditions.- Inspiration and Advice for a Lifetime of Practice.- For All Styles and All Levels of Eperience.
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