How To Build Brick Airplanes (Paperback)
作者: Blackert Peter 
書城編號: 1465052

原價: HK$250.00
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出版社: MBI Publishing Company
出版日期: 2018/10/09
尺寸: 254x218x12mm
重量: 0.59 kg
ISBN: 9780760361641
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How to Build Brick Airplanes puts the power of the world's most fearsome jets in your hands--learn how to build the SR-71, the P38 Lightning, the B2 bomber, and more, from LEGO bricks.

Grab some bricks, because it's time to get building! How to Build Brick Airplanes is loaded with clear, easy-to-follow designs for creating contemporary and classic jets, warbirds, bombers, and more using nothing more than bricks found in many common LEGO sets. More than just simple, generic recreations, the planes here are all scale models of their real-world counterparts.

How to Build Brick Airplanes opens with simpler designs, before working up to more detailed builds. This vivid, user-friendly, and fun title is sure to bring hours of joy and airborne wonder to LEGO fans across the globe, whether you're an aviation enthusiast, LEGO lover, or looking for a project to share with little ones of your own.

LEGO is the world's #1 toy company. The adults who grew up building LEGO City and Spaceports are now passing their old sets on to their children--and a new generation of LEGO builders has emerged, along with a rabid online community and celebrated custom builders.

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