Mothers Need Time-Outs, Too
作者: Callahan Susan, Nolen Anne, Schumann Katrin 
書城編號: 146651

原價: HK$210.00
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出版社: McGraw-Hill
出版日期: 2008/03/01
頁數: 288
重量: 0.33 kg
ISBN: 9780071508070
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Whether you're the mother of toddlers or teens, work inside the home or out-- if you're exhausted from trying to be perfect, this book can help you. Mothers Need Time-Outs, Too uses hundreds of real-life stories and mom-tested tips to demonstrate how taking time-outs will transform your life. Practical and inspiring, this book will launch you on a voyage of discovery that takes you back to yourself, and it will help you become the best mother you can be by becoming the best woman you can be.

Written by moms, for moms, this book will help you create a happier, healthier, more fulfilling life for you and your family. The authors draw on their own extensive experience and that of hundreds of women around the world, and bring to light a variety of helpful resources--from cutting-edge studies to Eastern philosophies--to create this innovative, inspiring, and easy-to-use guide.

With this book, you'll learn how to

  • Live a more deliberate, more purposeful, more satisfying life
  • Say goodbye to the constant guilt of not measuring up by embracing your personal mothering style
  • Enjoy your children more and feel close to your husband again

The authors reveal their own unvarnished turning points, share stories they've gathered from the trenches, and present eye-opening research to show how a little selfishness can bring a whole new sense of purpose and energy to stressed-out modern mothers.

"Take some 'me' time. It's good for you and your family. Want proof? Check out Mothers Need Time-Outs, Too by Susan Callahan, Anne Nolen, and Katrin Schumann, which gives voice to hundreds of moms who've done it."
--Woman's Day

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