There Is No Planet B (paperback)
作者: Mike Berners-Lee 
書城編號: 1471521

原價: HK$130.00
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出版社: Cambridge University Press
出版日期: 2019/02
尺寸: 210x150x22mm
重量: 0.39 kg
ISBN: 9781108439589

Feeding the world, climate change, biodiversity, antibiotics, plastics - the list of concerns seems endless. But what is most pressing, what are the knock-on effects of our actions, and what should we do first? Do we all need to become vegetarian? How can we fly in a low-carbon world? Should we frack? How can we take control of technology? Does it all come down to population? And, given the global nature of the challenges we now face, what on Earth can any of us do? Fortunately, Mike Berners-Lee has crunched the numbers and plotted a course of action that is practical and even enjoyable. There is No Planet B maps it out in an accessible and entertaining way, filled with astonishing facts and analysis. For the first time you'll find big-picture perspective on the environmental and economic challenges of the day laid out in one place, and traced through to the underlying roots - questions of how we live and think. This book will shock you, surprise you - and then make you laugh. And you'll find practical and even inspiring ideas for what you can actually do to help humanity thrive on this - our only - planet.
Mike Berners-Lee 作者作品表

The Carbon Footprint of Everything (Compact Disc)

The Carbon Footprint of Everything (MP3 CD)

eBook: Carbon Footprint of Everything (DRM EPUB)

eBook: How Bad Are Bananas?: The carbon footprint of everything (DRM EPUB)

How Bad Are Bananas (paperback)

There Is No Planet B (paperback)

Curve (Hardcover)

How Bad are Bananas? (Hardcover)

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