Mind Control In The United States (Updated) (Paperback)
作者: Steven Jacobson 
書城編號: 14758571

售價: $170.00

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出版社: Dauphin Pubn Inc
出版日期: 2015/11/02
重量: 0.22 kg
ISBN: 9781939438164

"The most effective way to protect yourself from subconscious manipulation is by being aware of how it works," states author Steven Jacobson. And with extensive documentation, Mr. Jabobson takes us on a journey of the multi-faceted dimension of mind control and shows us how to save our mind and soul from the mind manipulators. The book leaves one pondering and wondering how we have been duped and how we actively engage ourselves in our own mental prisons. Jacobson encourages us to shatter the shackles and free our minds. Steven Jacobson, film editor for thirteen years, researcher of hypnotic techniques within the film and music industry, researcher of metaphysics and of conspiracy theories has given us an excellent expose of the ruling elite's intent to control our minds. This work is both outrageous and sobering; and is indeed a necessary breakthrough in the fusing of the fields of metaphysics and politics.
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