Session Initiation Protocol (SIP): Controlling Convergent Networks (Hardcover)
作者: Russell Travis 
書城編號: 147713

售價: $890.00

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出版社: McGraw-Hill
出版日期: 2008/06/30
頁數: 264
重量: 0.67 kg
ISBN: 9780071488525
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Build a next-generation telecommunications infrastructure

Consolidate divergent networks into one seamless, high-performance communications landscape using cutting-edge SIP technology, tools, and techniques. Session Initiation Protocol (SIP): Controlling Convergent Networks explains how to deliver Internet phone calls, IMs, video streams, and teleconferences across legacy, wireless, and wireline networks. Learn how to manage SIP sessions, build layers and proxies, interpret control codes, set up gateways, and comply with IETF and 3GPP standards. You'll also get details on using the latest methods, maximizing QoS, and implementing security measures.

  • Initiate, modify, and terminate IETF-compliant SIP sessions
  • Construct SIP messages, requests, proxies, functions, and layers
  • Interconnect WiFi, WiMax, VoIP, and wireline networks
  • Incorporate TDM and SS7 systems using media and signaling gateways
  • Determine user locations with REGISTER and presence techniques
  • Augment functionality using RFCs and packet cable extensions
  • Prevent hijacking, tampering, DoS, DDoS, and BOTS attacks
  • Implement reliable authentication, encryption, and intrusion detection policies
Russell Travis 作者作品表

Session Initiation Protocol (SIP): Controlling Convergent Networks (Hardcover)

The IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS): Session Control and Other Network Operations (Hardcover)

Signaling System #7, Fifth Edition

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