Between Two Countries (Paperback)
作者: Thought Catalog 
書城編號: 14805934

售價: $70.00

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出版社: Thought Catalog Books
出版日期: 2018/06/11
重量: 0.1 kg
ISBN: 9781945796920

The lure of living abroad is one that nearly everyone has felt, at one time or another, whether or not we give into it. And while traveling for a week or two at a time to a new country can be a thrilling experience, it doesn't quite satisfy the same desire as spending years getting to know a place. Chelsea Fagan had always been in love with France, and after a two-week vacation in Paris, decided that she would live there. Five months later, she was all moved in. In Between Two Countries, a collection of her essays on travel, she shares what it means to immigrate intelligently, learn from your host culture, and make it work on a budget. And yes, you can do it, too.
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