Lancaster in 50 Buildings (Paperback)
作者: Billy FK Howorth 
書城編號: 1483661

原價: HK$250.00
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出版社: Amberley Publishing Local
出版日期: 2018/11/15
尺寸: 166x235x8mm
重量: 0.32 kg
ISBN: 9781445676623

The historic city of Lancaster has a rich history dating back almost 2,000 years. From the Pendle Witch Trials and its role in the North Atlantic slave trade during the Georgian period through to the Victorian industries that made the city famous, Lancaster has a proud and distinctive identity. This extraordinary history is embodied in the many fine buildings that have shaped the city. Lancaster in 50 Buildings explores the history of this rich and vibrant community through a selection of its greatest architectural treasures. From the ancient castle and priory overlooking the city to more recent developments including White Cross Mills and St George's Quay, this unique book celebrates the city's architectural heritage in a new and accessible way. Local author and historian Billy Howorth guides the reader on a tour of the city's historic buildings and architectural marvels, telling the history of the popular landmarks and providing an insight into some of the lesser-known sites.
Billy FK Howorth 作者作品表

A-Z of Kendal (Paperback)

Secret Lake District (Paperback)

Lancaster in 50 Buildings (Paperback)

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